• Sep 1, 2015
  • Becky Fieldhouse
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    Do you have the talent, accuracy and self-discipline to become a master archer? If you’ve answered yes, but are yet to try archery, then I would suggest you book yourself onto the next available course, as this is an adventure activity you do not want to miss out on! And for those of you that have had a go at archery before, then I’m sure you will agree with me that it is an exhilarating, fun sport that you would recommend to almost anyone!

    Archery is often left in the shadows, while other activities such as water sports and driving experiences steal the limelight. That said, archery can be just as extreme and just as exciting, involving a level of danger that can’t be found in other experiences!

    Archery has been around for centuries, so as soon as you pick up the bow and arrow you will feel as though you have been transported back through time to the medieval era! Back in the 15th Century Archery was mainly used for hunting and combat, but has since developed over time and is now most commonly used as competitive sport and for recreational use.




    The sport requires provision and skill, but is also one that almost anyone can master, if given enough practice. It is less physically demanding than other sports such as rugby and football; however it is said to be more challenging, as it puts your focus, hand-eye-coordination and aim to the test. So if you are able to master the art of archery, who knows what else you’re capable of!


    If you’ve already got the hang of standard archery and want to push the limits further, then why not try out the world’s latest extreme sport; archery tag! The game follows a similar concept to paint ball; you go to battle with your teams trying to get as many hits on your opponents as possible, and yes, you will be using a real bow and arrow. Of course these arrows are completely safe, but you’re guaranteed to be completely pumped as you run from arrows flying in from every direction!


    So if you’re looking to become as cool as Katniss Everdeen or become the next Robin hood then Archery is an extreme sport you should definitely take up! We offer several different Archery experiences, for individuals of all levels all across the country, check them out here.

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