• Aug 24, 2015
  • Becky Fieldhouse
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    Archery collage

    On Saturday 15th August Rosie and I headed down to London Bridge for our first ever archery experience! Having not taken part in the sport before, we were both super excited when we were invited by 2020 Archery to come and try their hour and a half Have a Go at Archery introductory session. The class was perfect for individuals of our ability (which was non-existent) as the groups were limited to 12 people per instructor so you were given plenty of help and guidance, which in our case was very much needed!


    The session began at 12:30pm taking place at the Downside Centre. The Centre is conveniently located only a 15 minute walk away from London Bridge station. However if you are a tourist when in the city of London, like me and Rosie, then I would definitely recommend giving yourself at least half an hour to make your way there! London can be a very confusing place and google maps does occasionally like to have a laugh at your expense; by tricking you into walking the wrong way.

    Once we arrived at the centre we were taken to a large gym hall where we were introduced to our groups and our instructor Cuong.
    We were then given a safety briefing, and kitted out with our equipment, before taking it in turns to have a few practice shots to get to grips with everything.


    Having never tried archery before, I was initially quite fearful of the bow and arrow, however after being reassured numerous times that archery is in fact one of the safest sports, I finally got into the swing of things, and was managing to hit the target. Not the one I was supposed to be aiming at, but none the less I was managing to hit something!
    Our instructor Cuong was excellent; he studied all of our shooting techniques, and then offered us tips to help us improve. Which we actually did! That’s the good thing about being one of the worst to begin with, you can only get better, and by the end we were practically pro’s, well for beginners! All of the 2020 staff are professionals in the sport, so you couldn’t ask for better instructors.


    Once we had all got the hang of shooting, we took part in a friendly competition against our fellow fledglings. This is where things got really interesting, as there was a bag of chocolate coins up for grabs!  This was a great opportunity for us to show off our new found skills and see how much we had improved! It also gave us the chance to learn the archery point-scoring system, which will come in very handy when I challenge my friends to an archery competition!


    Overall the experience was absolutely fantastic, and we couldn’t have asked for better instructors. If we were able to improve that much in just one session, image how good we would be if we did a block of lessons!
    Olympics we’re coming for you!

    If you would like to have a go at archery, which I would definitely recommend then you can purchase your experience here. Or for a junior class, please click here.

    The centre have also recently introduced Archery Tag, which is a super fun archery variation kind of like paintball but with arrows!

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