• Apr 18, 2017
  • Cooking , Staff Reviews
  • Leoni Moninska
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    Maddie and I were lucky enough to get invited back to Jenius Social and this time it was for something a little more savoury – Authentic Thai Food… yum!

    From start to finish our whole experience was just as professional as our last one with Jenius Social (Marvellous Macarons.. another highly recommended class). We arrived at Highbury & Islington station and started the short walk to the Kitchens. We were warmly welcomed by Catherine, Jennifer and Andrew (Chef) and given our aprons. We then followed Andrew into the kitchen and he gave us a quick debrief on what was on the menu: Fresh homemade green Thai chicken thigh curry, jasmine rice, fresh pollock and prawn fish cakes with Thai spices and vegetable rice paper spring rolls.


    One of the great things about this class is you don’t have to worry about remembering which ingredients you’re using or the quantity of each, because this is all emailed to you after the class. This means you can simply enjoy your cooking experience and perfect your techniques. Andrew leads his classes as a very hands-on chef, and so as students in this Thai Masterclass we experienced prepping each ingredient and were taught exactly how.


    We started with the Green Thai Curry, which had quite a few different fresh herbs and spices, which we prepared and blended, before putting them in a pan to cook. We then added coconut milk and the chicken thighs, followed by spinach. All that was left to do after this was popping a lid on the pan and allowing it to simmer whilst we moved onto the fish cakes. This was again mainly prepping the ingredients to go into a big bowl, and then making small fluffy fish cakes which Andrew then deep-fried. Last (but by no means least) were the spring rolls. We cut all the ingredients into long, thin shapes so they would fit nicely into the rolled rice paper and made these whilst the fish cakes were frying. Fishcakes done, it was time to deep fry the spring rolls!


    Once we had finished cooking everything we were brought to the next room by Catherine who had laid the table beautifully and we sat and were served our delicious culinary accomplishments. It’s safe to say, we had to hobble home because it was so delicious – we couldn’t stop eating!

    Cookery classes, in general, are great ways to socialise whilst picking up a new skill and of course having lots of fun doing it! We would like to say another massive thank you to Jennifer, Catherine and Andrew for having us and giving us such a fantastic evening.

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