• Apr 18, 2017
  • London , Staff Reviews
  • Leoni Moninska
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    The Banqueting House is known as one of the most beautiful buildings in London, and the only surviving one after the great fire that burnt down the Palace Of Whitehall. Maddie and I were particularly excited to see inside this grand building and see its beauty with our own eyes. HRP Invited us to come to London and check out some of its most iconic historical architecture for ourselves – and iconic it was!

    The architectural anomaly was King Charles the Ist of England’s execution location – where he actually stepped out of a window and onto the scaffolding which held his beheading block. He was beheaded for treason, one of the most common reasons for execution in the 17th century.

    Once Maddie and I had collected our tickets and electronic audio guides, we headed up the grand staircase into the large hall itself.


    The sheer size and beauty of the columns, architecture and paintings on the ceilings were breathtaking. The only surviving artwork of Sir Peter Paul Rubens, the large pieces were each deconstructed in the audio, and we quickly learnt why they were commissioned by the King himself. There were large brown leather bean bags scattered around the hall where you could sit back and observe the artwork comfortably.

    Maddie and I grabbed a bean bag, laid back and started our audio guide which took us through the years, teaching us about the Royal Family and London in the 17th century.


    The Banqueting house has had many famous visitors such as Nelson Mandela, members of The Royal Family amongst many more and has hosted many lavish events over the years. Without giving TOO much away, we would thoroughly suggest coming for a visit, whether you are a local Londoner or a visitor – the Banqueting House has its own charm and finesse. This really was the perfect way to get away from London’s busy streets, and a peaceful afternoon spent admiring the 17th century.

    We would like to say a massive thank you to Historic Royal Palaces for having us and giving us the opportunity to come and see one of London’s delights!

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